What happened in the Garden of Eden? #Evewasframed
In 2021, I discovered the Eden Podcast, discussing the correct translation of Geneses 3:16 and its implications about women and men being...
What happened in the Garden of Eden? #Evewasframed
Pop Quiz: Better Theology
Social Media update
Book Review: The Female Disciples of Jesus
Something Beautiful: Freedom
Is the to Call Love one another a Call for Equality?
Where Does the Bible say Women are Equal to Men?
Art of Mary of Clopas in Emmaus
Mary of Clopas: The Other Disciple on the Road
History: as different as black and white
Gatekeepers vs. Freedom (3)
Gatekeepers in Churches (2)
Do we need a Gatekeeper? (1)
Racism in Churches?
Book Review: Deafening
More Editing Progress!
The Power of Story-telling
Can Lay Women Preach?
The Christian Church is a Vine with Many Branches
A Reformation a hundred years before Martin Luther
Is the Trinity Egalitarian or Complementarian?