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Behind the Story: Elaine Kelly Interview

Writer: Elaine R KellyElaine R Kelly

Who are the forgotten followers? Naomi Craig and Lisa Renee host an interview with debut biblical fiction novelist Elaine Kelly. We had such a fun discussion! See the whole interview on YouTube: Behindthestorywithnaomiandlisa

Yes, I reveal some surprises about me!

Where to find it: Minute

9:18 Debut biblical novelist Elaine Kelly. Forgotten Followers from Broken to Bold, set in the New Testament, won second place in Colorado Independent Publishers CIPA-EVVY awards.

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Elaine Kelly: Guest on Behind the Story!

10:51 (Naomi) What caught your interest, why are you writing about women in the Gospels, and how did you research them?

13:15 Mara (Mary) of Clopas is mentioned in the Bible in various ways but seems present throughout his ministry and at the cross and burial and resurrection. Church historians identify Clopas as the brother of Joseph, making his wife the sister/sister-in-law of Mary of Nazareth.

13:42 (Naomi) Mara is portrayed as Jesus's aunt and she is very skeptical about him being a Prophet; it is striking but it is exactly what the Bible says: Jesus is a Prophet without honour in his own hometown. Using fiction I imagined what made Mara skeptical, afraid, slow to trust or believe in Jesus.

14:50 (Lisa) With fiction, readers can experience or can relate to those who have doubts or questions as they go through hard times or find that God did not miraculously heal them. Rather than hiding that people are thinking these things, or pretending these things aren't happening, your novel brings them out to address them. Introduce us to Mara.

15:38 For the purpose of the fictional character development, I use Mara to explore how authoritarian parents, purity culture, abuse or trauma as a youth can impact you as an adult. Mara is learning steps she can take to overcome her trauma.

Excerpt from Sheila Wray Gregoire Endorsement

16:28 (Naomi) What is the story behind securing that fantastic endorsement from Sheila Wray Gregoire? She is a minor celebrity in the world of advocacy for Christian equality.

I leaned into some of her BareMarriage interviews when developing Mara's character because her guests are often overcoming the same kinds of trauma as my character, Mara. Mara's trauma affects her self-image, marriage, and sex life in ways similar to the way trauma affects women today.

19:32 (Naomi) What drew your attention to these ladies in particular?

The story tells about 12 woman disciples but takes the point of view of just two. I wanted to explore Mary of Clopas for a long time. Ever since my daughters were small, and I read to them a picture book with Clopas and another disciple on the road to Emmaus, I have thought the other disciple was likely a woman. I wanted my daughters to see themselves in the Bible story. I colored over the beard and added a headscarf and pink bag and put a woman in that picture book. I have since discovered some theologians who agree that it may have been Clopas's wife, Mary of Clopas, on the road home with him.

20:29 My other main character is Joanna. I really related to Joanna because I worked as a financial advisor for 30 years and Joanna is one of the ones named in Luke 8 as a patron or financial advisor for Jesus. I felt like she was the model for me as a financial advisor. I wanted to explore where Joanna might have got her money, to know where her money is from and where it is going, and to look at female patrons in the first century. I also use Joanna as a way of exploring how Jesus reached out to biracial people, foreigners and immigrants because I feel that's a very relevant theme for today. There are other novels about Joanna, and there are other novels about Bathsheba and Rahab. At the end of my novel, I outline what is biblical and what is fictional.

21:52 Let's talk about your writing routine or process, writing journey, research, and approach to plot and character development.

I started with what biblical events may have had women present as eyewitnesses and apostles. I looked at biblical and church traditions about these woman disciples, as well as biblical interpretations on the Gospels. I also spent time editing and re-writing to ensure plot tension and character development as they overcome obstacles as they strive for healing, wholeness, freedom, and new life. Going forward, I am relying on a spreadsheet lining up rows for biblical events, historic dates, and columns for each character, their age and location.

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Why tune in to the video

24:59 (Naomi) What is something people might be surprised to learn about you?

25:48 If you were to compete at the Olympics, what would you compete in? What are your strengths?

26:32 What writing project is next for you?

I am writing book 2 in the From Broken to Bold Series, set in the early church and based on Acts 2-11.

27:30 What about putting a romance in the story? What romance will be kindled in your next novel?

28:51 Where can readers find you?

Click here to listen on YouTube for the full interview!


Let me know if there is a show where I may be a guest:

Elaine Ricker Kelly Author is empowering women with historical fiction about women in the Bible and early church and Christian blogs about women in leadership, church history and doctrine. Her books include:


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