As an author, one of the greatest gifts is receiving reviews from readers. We release an Advance Review Copy to encourage readers to read the book and prepare a review to post online once the book is released. Just before my first novel was released, I was thrilled when Sheila Wray Gregoire volunteered to provide a testimonial for Forgotten Followers from Broken to Bold. She is the author of The Great Sex Rescue and founder of BareMarriage and I've absorbed much of their material as I crafted the character of Mara, a woman overcoming trauma in my novel.
2023 Editorial Book Reviews Endorse Forgotten Followers

An Editorial Book Review is a paid, objective review of your book by professionals. Editorial reviews are shown in a section separate from other reviews on the book's listing on Amazon. After publishing, I began to self-doubt. I wondered if low sales indicated poor writing or poor marketing.
To test this out, I submitted my novel to two professional Editorial Review companies. It was very affirming and a boost to my confidence when I received positive reviews for my first novel, Forgotten Followers from Broken to Bold.
"Women witness Jesus’s beginnings, resurrection, and ascension in the spiritual novel Forgotten Followers from Broken to Bold... the story delivers a sense that Jesus’s message was so radical that it was bound to be misunderstood in his time—even his siblings are shown expressing doubt. The result is a fascinating story whose familiar elements are somewhat refreshed by its feminine perspectives."
- Foreword Clarion

"Themes of racial discrimination, sexism, childhood trauma, fear and anxiety, body image, self-esteem, and brokenness will appeal to a contemporary audience. The position of women in society is also examined, as Jesus is criticized and ostracized for his inclusion of women in his ministry. The novel employs familiar language, avoiding religious terms in its descriptions of Jesus’s teachings and in dialogue... In all, Forgotten Followers is a moving work that inspires hope and faith. Readers will find the characters compelling and its themes relevant to modern times."
- BlueInk Review
2023 Contest Win Endorses Forgotten Followers
That moment when the customs officer asks the purpose of my trip... "My book is a finalist to win an award at the Colorado Independent Publishing Association." When she asked about it, I said it's about women followers of Jesus, and she said she'd look it up!

We flew to Denver, Colorado, excited to be a Finalist in the CIPA EVVY contest, one of the longest-running book award competitions on the Independent publishing scene. Receiving entries from all over the world in nearly 50 categories, the entries are judged according to established scoring criteria. The annual contest is sponsored by the Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA) and the CIPA Education and Literacy Foundation. Winners were announced at a banquet on August 31st.
Forgotten Followers placed 2nd, winning Silver in the Religion/ Spiritual Fiction category! I was happy to represent the Gospel story from the view of woman disciples in this category.

2024 Update
Since the writing had been judged positively, and book sales were going well in person, I further investigated online marketing initiatives. I lowered the online price as much as possible when listed through Ingram Sparks for all retailers. I edited the online book description, blurb, and keywords. I participated in online groups for Christian authors and biblical fiction. I took a course on Amazon Advertising and worked at defining the character goals and what was at risk for them. Forgotten Followers shows women overcoming trauma from religious abuse, patriarchy, and racism. It shows Jesus empowering women and minorities. It also shows how Jesus helps a mother accept and affirm her son when she realizes he appears to be same-sex-oriented.
In 2024, I got the news that Forgotten Followers from Broken to Bold did not place in the Christian Indie Award Competition. Then I attended a spring 2024 conference for Christian creatives. I met writers and speakers on the Christian speaking circuit who believed women could only teach women. I met Christian publishers who said my book was not eligible for their organization based on its positive portrayal of LGBTQ+. I released my second novel, which is publicly and explicitly LGBTQ+ affirming. I received feedback from my Christian writing groups that posting about this novel was not in line with the objectives of their group. Christian advocates for gender equality changed their minds about endorsing my writing based on my gay-affirming stance.
I also got feedback and appreciation from Christians learning to love their gay children and from members of the LGBTQ+ community themselves. While I began with the objective of delivering the message of equality for women and men, I now focus on delivering the message of equality for all. I have expanded from writing books and blogs to guesting on podcasts and creating videos. The urgency is stronger than ever to deliver the message that God shows no favouritism, and the Bible calls us to love one another.
Forgotten Followers from Broken to Bold is most suitable for those who are questioning high-control religions, and who are leaving evangelical spaces largely because of the treatment of women or gays. Those who would most enjoy my writing are Christians who have been sidelined or silenced by religion or are deconstructing their faith or have landed as progressive Christians.
It was a sad day when I realized that the term "Christian" has become synonymous with evangelical, fundamental, patriarchal, and anti-gay. I am a Christian but I am not those things.
With this realization, I have removed my novels from being listed in the genres of Christian fiction and biblical fiction, where they were seen but not bought by evangelical Christians. I did not leave Christianity, but my books have. Now my books are in categories such as ancient historical fiction, religious, inspirational, deconstructing faith, and women's literary fiction.